Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny cuz its true.

(FYI: ASL Interpreter humor.)  These are questions that we have gotten countless times.  Usually not all at once, but crazy that we even get them at all.   Love it.

I  couldn't pick which to post, so I picked 2, first is for the Educational Interpreters, 2nd is for the Freelance interpreters.  Really they apply to both though.  Enjoy :)


Tanya said...

How true is that!!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!!! Quenton and I thought this was hilarious! Thanks for putting this up. :) How many people like that have you met? priceless.

The Ball Family said...

Holy crap! That was amazing. hahahahahaha

Ashley said...

It's so accurate that it's kind of sad. If only people knew how silly they sounded when they asked questions like that!